Many critics of cryptozoology often contend that it is a pseudoscience. A pseudoscience is a field of study that claims to be scientific, but the practitioners of that field do not use correct scientific methodology when they are conducting their research.
A good example of pseudoscience is creationism. This is because, ultimately, all scientific theories need to be falsifiable. And the claim that evolution is not true, and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, is simply not falsifiable. For example, some creationists might claim that the Devil planted fossils in the ground in order to test our faith. The problem with this claim is that there is no way of proving whether or not it is true. For example, God could have created the world 10 minutes ago, and left signs of it being far older than it really is, including false memories that he put inside of our brains. However, we quite simply have no way of testing the validity of this claim. Therefore, this claim is not a scientific hypothesis; It is, rather, a religious belief.
However, I am not, by any means, saying that science is somehow against, or at odds with, religion. Religion and science are 2 separate things, and there is nothing wrong with having religious beliefs. However, trying to scientifically prove that creationism is true is a pseudoscientific practice. Once again, this is because faith and belief are the providence of religion, while falsifiable theories obtained from experiments are the domain of science.
Another example of pseudoscience is ghost-hunting, and paranormal investigations. This is because science normally does not deal with the metaphysical, or the supernatural, since theories involving paranormal topics are usually not falsifiable.
However, there is nothing that is inherently pseudoscientific about cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is simply the search for new species. In fact, even a zoologist looking for a new species of insect can be said to be studying cryptozoology.
Therefore, in conclusion, if cryptozoology is practiced in a purely scientific manner, then it is definitely a valid science, and not a pseudoscience.
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ReplyDeleteUmmmmm well...actually there is two distinct Biblical based theories about the Earth's age. (1.) The Earth is 6,000 years old and the reason why the rocks are dated wrong is because of large deposits of carbon by product built up by massive Solar flares. Evidence proves that the sun was once highly unstable. Those solar flares could have created massive deposits of carbon. Thus making the Earth look way more ancient than it really is. As the flares decreased in intensity so did the carbon by product. Thus the lower levels of carbon gave a younger age. When animals lived on the planet the dating would be from first created to newest creation. Now here is were it gets crazy complicated, read on...
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ReplyDeleteOkay so you know the discovery of supposed 'Junk DNA'. Science now knows it is NOT junk at all. They now know it acts like a serious of switches that turn on or off characteristics, disease, etc, etc. What I am positive is going on is GOD placed all the necessary variation for all variants of a like type species in that junk DNA. For example the wolf had all the necessary information to produce all manner and types of dogs. One core type that creates all other variations. That is really what is going on...NOT evolution. Science sees change and thinks these radical changes are radical alterations in a species. But it's really just variations within a like type species that was already incoded in that DNA. Darwins Galopagos Island Finches are just birds after all are they not? As for other factor like the sharkray. The book of Romans states that GOD is a potter. I am a writer. I create characters, GOD creates characters. Who are you or I to say what GOD can or can't do? If He wants to splice a shark with a sting ray what is that to you? It is just His creative nature. I said all of that to say this haha. Back on topic: Now as I was saying since it takes time for all these variations within a like type species this requires a great deal of time. Through time the variations developed. Thus the longer the species lasted the less exposure the species had to steadily decreasing extremely unusually large solar flare activity. Thus less carbon by product. Thus dated younger (which they were), yet still dated older then they really were.
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DeleteI forgot to mention the explanation for the Universe so spread out. If the rate differed from the point of the Big Bang that GOD created, then the mathematics to determine the age of the universe would be thrown out. How can you date it based on distance if the rate of acceleration outwards was not a constant. Also there is no dating system that can go back millions of years. No method of dating goes back that far, it's is all guess work. Also how can you date a dinosaur made of stone, since carbon dating only dates living organisms and the amount of carbon in it? Science will say well we date the organic life around it. How do you know if the dinosaur is the same age as the organic life?
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ReplyDelete(2.) Now for theory number two: The Gap Theory- The Gap Theory embrasses much of what science does but with a few subtle changes. It states the Earth is as old as science says. That the Big Bang did happen but it was GOD who did it. That GOD created two races of man, one in His image and one in the image of animals created He Him. The Gap Theory is called Gap because there is a Gap of undetermined time between verse one and verse two. The verse can be translated: "In the beginning GOD created the Heavens and the Earth and the Earth 'that then was' was made formless and void. This implies that there was a pre-Earth to our Earth that GOD destroyed. The one with all the dinosaurs on it. Then He recreated it, this would be everything after verse 2. So then GOD put man ape outside the garden in Ethiopia Africa [where the oldest known man bones were discovered just recently] as well as GOD created man in the likeness of GOD in the garden of Eden in Eastern Turkey [the start of the rivers mentioned in Genesis]. Now the ape man I personally believe was like a pre-cromagnon man. As the pre-cromagnon procreated with the seed of Cain in the land of Nod [the land of wandering], slowly the ape people lost their ape like features. I.E.- loss of genetic coded information...NOT evolution. Thus the variations within the apeman race that science assumed was do to evolution. So early races similar to pre-cromagnon is the pinnacle of man ape and the other end of the spectrum is Neanderthal/ Almasty (more human then ape). So science understands it all wrong. The latter half is not the official theory but is my personal breakdown and makes the most sense with what the Bible says in Genesis and with what science has discovered thus far. So as you can see you can mesh science into Christianity and still have it make sense.
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DeleteThe Almasty of Russia proved DNA wise to be a Neanderthal type of women from South Africa. Now what is interesting (but gross) is due to Darwinian belief the men guarding her thought she was like them. They thought of themselves as nothing more then animals. They had sex with her and created a child. Yeah I know....growdy right? Yuck city!!! See how dangerous evolution can be? Don't even get me started on the Collumbine Colorado shootings by Evolution Terrorists. Any way, the baby grew up to be a very odd man. That man was very hairy, ultra strong and prone to violence. His next Offspring was less so. Each consecutive generation was less and less ape as more and more seed of Adam DNA was brought into the picture through procreation with normal humans. Now is that evolution radical alteration?'s genetic loss of information and new introduced information from a secondary source. So these DNA facts blows craters in Darwins evolution. Science has everything all scrambled around
DeleteIncidentally in no way shape or form am I implying that Ethiopians are apes. It just so happens to be were the ape man race started from. It does NOT mean the Ethiopian people are. Also this does NOT give anyone the right to go around genocide killing races that you think are impure. That's how Hitler's Nazi movement got started. Let GOD sort it ought. It is NOT your job.
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DeleteNow here's the kicker. If someone says, "Well wait a minute can't we date the T-Rex blood found after that scientist lady dissolved the bone in acid?" Funny you asked that. Yes we can but guess what the scientist beat around the bush and did not want to do it. Hmmmmmmmmm. Yeeeeeeah...that's using the scientific method. NOT!!
Who's not using the scientific method now? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! I think you pointed the pseudo-science finger in the wrong direction. How about the obvious biast posture on birds are dinosaurs? Feathered Dinosaur bird links from China hoaxes? How about (A.) confuciusornis [multilayered of multiple different things proven by x-ray] (B.) archeoraptor [multilayered of multiple different things proven by x-ray. (C.) microraptor [based solely on a tail].... Lol...and you call us pseudoscience, lmao. You put waaaaaay to much faith in science.'s scientific College they proposed as one theory that our planet was seeded down by aliens. Pseudoscience indeed and word.
Sorry if it sounded edgy. Your writing for the most part was not biast tell you said pseudoscience. That just turned me the wrong way. For the record I find the majority of your logic very sound. The implications of prehistoric creatures still alive today tends to be met with huge resistance. You are sadly in the minority on that one (largely due to text book brainwashing/ dead millions of years and hoaxes) but I welcome your open minded view and am most thankful for it. I too believe that there are still prehistoric creatures still alive today. Just look at all the ones in text books that aren't even dead: FACT: The hag fish, the frill shark, lancet fish, arowana, arapaima, saw fish, alligator gar, polypterus senegalus, lamprey, the Chinese giant salamander, goblin shark, horseshoe crab, alligator snapping turtle, giant fresh water stingray, jellyfish, platypus, sponge, crocodile, pygmy right whale, hula painted frog, sturgeon, nautilus, coelacanth, triop longicaudatus [tadpole shrimp] and on and on and on. Don't get me started on the Land Creatures. Any way...
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to write down the witnesses amazing stories. As far as my obvious discomfort at your pseudoscience comment: I am so used to the typical narrow minded scientists that say, "They've been dead for millions of years," and don't barely give the sightings a chance. They do a one day investigation and if nothing is found they just give up and conclude dead for millions of years. These types just ticks me off to no end. Do you have any idea how easy it is for a dinosaur to hide in the Congo jungle and swamps? It is so huge it is rediculous...anything could be Still Alive in there. All my life I have watched scientists belittle, rip apart, fire from Colleges and mock Christians, Christian scientists and even call witnesses delusional (our mind is playing tricks on us) and yet oddly when many are proven right they receive no apology. Okay here's one such an example: When in Africa's massive Congo jungle a tribe killed a sauropod dinosaur in the river: mokele mbembe (he who stops the flow of rivers), they just laughed. When explorers reported the odd anomalies about the creature it got scoffed at. They said it had a crest on its back and a toe nail. Scientists claimed no such evidence was ever found. Therefore they concluded it was a crazy story, Well guess what science recently discovered two new types of sauropod dinosaurs: (1.) saltasaurus [of South America]- bumps on back and toe nails (2.) amargasaurus- a crest that runs along the back and a toe nail on its feet. Personally I vote the tribe members killed an amargassaurus. The most likely culprit. It upsets me greatly they slew it.
Any way...that's it for now. Sorry there is so many deletes. I am a lowsy speller and I did not proof read good enough. To bad that it has to post every edit. There is much to be gleaned out there science. Please keep an open mind.